Help a brother out
I have really enjoyed running my blog over the past year or so. It’s reinvigorated my love of writing, and guitar playing. I love getting feedback from my readers too. Many have found my reviews helpful, and people have really been digging my DIY posts. I’ve been lucky enough to have a few companies, distributors and shops help me out with providing gear to review as well. I’m a pretty poor musician with a mortgage, family, and the associated costs that come with these things. I don’t get to spend too much on gear, so all of these businesses who have helped me out, I hope my reviews have helped you out too.
My wife and I recently had our second child. It’s been a fantastic experience on a personal level, but along with a number of costs regarding house repairs we have found ourselves in a far tighter position financially than we expected we would be in. This of course means that I have even less money (read nearly zero) to spend on musical gear, and bits and pieces for DIY projects.
I can canvas gear companies, distributors, and my local music stores to borrow gear to review to some extent, but I have a number of DIY projects I’d like to post about on my site, and no money to purchase parts for this.
What I am leading to with this post is a request to help a brother out. If you have enjoyed reading my site, found it helpful, learned something new, etc I’d love it if you could spare a few $$$ to donate to me. I understand many are finding it tough financially these days, but even if every visitor could spare $1.00 I would be eternally grateful. I would be able to continue working on DIY projects, and posting (hopefully) interesting content for you all.
You can donate money via the PayPal donate button below, or using the donate button on the side of every page.
I’m also looking at advertising to the site in an effort to raise some money, so please don’t be put off by the sight of some ads. I will endeavor to make them as relevant as possible to guitar and music. If any music instrument and gear companies would like to help out I’ll offer reasonable advertising rates too. Money and guitar gear will be accepted!
I want to keep this site alive with great regular updates, and I hope you can all can help me with this. Any donations is greatly appreciated.
Thankyou! 🙂
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