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Seymour Duncan

Seymour Duncan Liberator – review

One of the things that many guitar players like to do with guitars is change their pickups. Many are not comfortable with using a soldering iron, so they quite often will pay a tech to do what is essentially a fairly simple task. Seymour Duncan have recognised this, and developed …

Taming the Tone Zone – continued

In my previous post about taming the DiMarzio Tone Zone I talked about using a capacitor to reduce the low-end muddiness that is sometimes associated with the Tone Zone. I used a 0.047uF capacitor to filter out some of the low end, and it did so fairly well. The Ibanez …

Cool new gear: Seymour Duncan Blackouts Modular Preamp

Seymour Duncan have brought out another great product this week. First it was the Liberator, with it’s great solderless pickup installation capability, now they’ve taken that concept further with the Blackouts Modular Preamp. The Blackouts Modular Preamp gives you the capability to take any 4 conductor passive pickup, and give …

Cool new gear: Seymour Duncan Liberator

No matter how simple it may be for some of us, soldering and soldering irons really does scare a lot of people. The heat and the potential for burns or damage to things is probably the main thing that puts many off from doing their own pickup replacements. Seymour Duncan …