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January 2011

Cool new gear: Ibanez RG Premium series

Well NAMM 2011 is on right now, and of course everyone will be drooling over all the new gear being released. There are plenty of sites covering everything coming out so I’m not going to worry about trying to cover everything too. I’ll just mention some of the new items …

Cool new gear: Sanyo Pedal Juice BLACK

As regular readers would know I have reviewed the Sanyo Pedal Juice, and found it to be a great way to power pedal boards. One thing always bothered me a little, and it’s the colour. I’m not a big fan of the white appliance look, so when I received word …

Suhr style “blower switch” pickup modification

A while back I stumbled upon a really cool pickup switching idea while reading various Internet guitar forums. People were talking about the Suhr Guthrie Govan signature guitar and a really cool feature that it had. Suhr called it the “blower switch”, and it’s a switching system that allows you …