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EVH Frankenstein Humbucker – review

I’ve tried a number of pickups in my newly finished Strat over the past few months. I recently traded some pickups for an EVH Frankenstein Humbucker and thought that my Frankie-inspired strat would be the perfect test bed for this pickup. Sure, it has an alder body, custom brass and …

My top picks for Winter NAMM 2013

Now that Winter NAMM 2013 is over I thought I might post about the new products that really excited me. I don’t have much time to cover Winter NAMM these days on account of my wife and youngest son having their birthdays at the same time, but I do keep …

The Strat build project – part 4

“IT LIVES!!!!” cried out the mad scientist. Yes, finally the Strat project has been strung up and it’s a beauty. Until my nice custom bridge arrives I’ve installed a Wilkinson vintage Strat bridge. Unfortunately it’s a 2-1/8″ screw pattern, so I could only mount it by the middle four screws, …