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The Ibanez RG450 project -part 1

A while back I had a Japanese made 2003 Ibanez RG450 with Edge Pro donated to me by a good friend of mine from Jemsite. It was in quite rough condition when he bought it as a project guitar. He cut a Jem style monkey grip, and rerouted the output …

Building a backyard studio – almost finished!

Well my backyard studio is almost finished. I finished painting the door and doorway yesterday, and the carpet was laid today. There’s some touching up, and cleaning up needed due to my needing to rush the painting so it was done before the carpet was installed. I will do this …

Building a backyard studio – painting day

I took the day off work today to get stuck into the painting. The inside is now almost finished I have painted the ceiling, the skirts and architraves around the door and windows, and applied the first coat to the walls. Now I just have to apply the second coat …