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Ibanez AZES 31 in Ivory full guitar

New Guitar Day: Ibanez AZ Essentials AZES31

I’ve had a keen interest in the Ibanez AZ Essentials line of guitars that was released in 2022. A very classic Stratocaster style Ibanez range of guitars, in an affordable price range really got me excited, and the additions of things such as the alter switch, and a slightly shorter …

New Guitar Day: 2004 Yamaha RGX 121 SJ

It’s been a pretty crazy last couple of years, with bushfires here in Australia, followed by a once in a century pandemic. Here in Canberra we’ve been relatively lucky on the pandemic front, until recently, where our city has been in lockdown for a couple of months now. I’ve been working …

What a new gear day(s)!

Okay, so this is technically three new gear days rolled into one. It was my birthday late last month, and I was spoiled pretty rotten. I received a few really nice guitar related things. First up, was the Squier Deluxe Stratocaster, from my amazing girlfriend. It’s used, and needs a …

New Guitar Day: Ibanez GRG M21 CA

My eldest son has been very interested in playing guitar, but being that he’s six years of age and has ADHD/ODD, I’m not sure how dedicated he would be to practicing and developing on the instrument. I wasn’t too keen on buying a guitar for him yet. However, recently on …

New Guitar Day: Ibanez RGR 1570

A couple of weeks ago I received a message from a friend of mine in the US telling me about a guitar he bought. The surprise though was that he was sending me a one of his guitars that didn’t really get played as a gift! The guitar was an …