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Epic Grip titanium pick – review

Kickstarter has been a great thing for musicians and musical equipment creators. A recent Kickstarter success is the Epic Grip titanium guitar pick. this single guitar pick design shot over its $5000 budget to over $35000, well and truly establishing itself as a popular new product. Since I really have …

Epic Grip titanium pick YouTube demo

I have to admit I have a thing for titanium. After having a Strat bridge made with titanium components, and installing a titanium sustain block on one of my Ibanez guitars I really just can’t get enough of the tone! So when I heard about the recently successful Kickstarter campaign …

PicStix – review

One of the somewhat difficult decisions that needs to be made when playing live shows is how to store extra guitar picks within easy reach. There’s nothing more annoying than dropping a pick on stage and then having to try and find it on the ground. Sure, there are pick …